Growing up I was very fortunate to have access to everything I needed to become the well-rounded and professional dancer I always dreamed about being.
Unfortunately, not many 14 something year olds really understand how good they actually have it until they grow up.
Corrections, attention, and really just being taken seriously during class makes a HUGE difference.
Access to classical technique training, pilates, teachers that had been in the industry for upteen years, summer intensives, really anything that would grow me as a pre-professional at the time.
As you may already know, I decided not to become a professional ballerina, and instead took a different route with my years of knowledge.
I now dance recreationally, taking open classes at any studio I can find nearby.
In taking open class after open class, I realized something…
Recreational adult and beginner dancers aren’t taken that seriously!
So let’s say you are an adult that wants to learn ballet from start to finish.
Here’s probably what will happen:
-You will go to the studio closest to you and sign up for a beginner adult ballet class.
-You are going to go to this class and be absolutely overwhelmed by the terminology, positions, timing, teachers cues.
-You are going to walk out going “Really? This is ballet?”.
-Probably feeling extremely disappointed by now, you will circle back to the front desk and ask for a more “from scratch” approach to ballet.
And of course you are looking for something that is going to teach you everything from how to breath to how to stand in first position. The receptionist is going to look at you and go “we don’t have this for adults but you can start with the kids!”
How humiliating! Learning ballet should not be this difficult for an adult!
So many open classes I take I find little to no explanation of steps given, little to no correction, and rarely anyone is being taken seriously.
And in speaking to several of the students taking, I constantly hear “I don’t even know what this step is”, “What does she mean by turnout from the top of your legs?”, “What does elongate even mean?!”.
So much frustration simply around how to do classical ballet technique and survive a beginner class.
Contrary to popular belief, adult dancers and those who are starting later in life with ballet, really do want to be taken seriously, to understand the movements, to be corrected.
Really just to feel like they are even getting their money's worth out of the hour and a half class.
As adults we know that one of the most precious things you have is time. No one wants their time wasted!
I saw a massive need to teach these adult dancers ballet from the most fundamental standpoint, to a full on ballet class.
This is very lacking in today’s world!
I thought to myself “there really should be a program for adults to learn the ABC’s of ballet without feeling completely humiliated as an adult!”
Why did it hit me several years later that I could create that course. (oof!)
I mean seriously over 15 years of ballet knowledge and I could really afford to give all that back at a really low cost! And in a way where we could save all the embarrassment of not knowing ANYTHING yet! Starting from the absolute beginning!
Don’t worry, if you have thought this very thing. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
That is why I created The Beginner’s Guide to Ballet. Learning classical ballet technique from how to use your breath, to how to leap across the floor (I am referring to the grande jete of course!), to what turnout is and how to find it, to how to do a pirouette.
All the fundamentals in literally one place, how convenient! No more scrolling for hours on Youtube, trying to piece together how to truly master this artform.
And here’s the best part. You don’t have to leave your home! You can really learn everything right in your kitchen!
No more confusion trying to figure out what the teacher even means when she says “Lift up!”.
After taking this course, you will feel very confident in classical ballet terminology, posture, and class structure.
And you won't break the bank! How about that!
But the best part will be that:
You can go into a beginner course feeling less lost!
Sound interesting? Follow this link to watch a demo video!
See you at the barre!